Helping Our Children Present Jesus as the Son of Man - Luke

  1. Zacharias Was Burning Incense in the Temple
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  2. Zacharias Was Promised a Son
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  3. Mary Was Promised a Son
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  4. Mary Made a Visit to Elizabeth
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  5. Zacharias and Elizabeth Named John
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  6. Zacharias Spoke the Promises of God
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  7. Jesus Was Born in Bethlehem
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  8. Jesus Was Taken to the Temple
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  9. Jesus Grew Up in Nazareth
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  10. John Was Sent to Prepare the Way for Jesus
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  11. John Told About the Coming Ministry of Jesus
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  12. Jesus Was Tempted in the Wilderness
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  13. Jesus Began His Ministry in Nazareth
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  14. Jesus Healed the Mother-in-law of Peter
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  15. Jesus Called His First Disciples
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  16. Jesus Healed Many People
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  17. Jesus Called Levi to Follow Him
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  18. Jesus Healed on the Sabbath
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  19. Jesus Chose the Twelve to be Apostles
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  20. Jesus Taught that We Are to Love our Enemies
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  21. Jesus Taught the Importance of the Right Foundation
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  22. Jesus Healed a Servant and a Son
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  23. Jesus Spoke of the Greatness of John the Baptist
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  24. Jesus Had Dinner in the House of a Pharisee
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  25. Jesus Taught the Parable of the Sower
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  26. Jesus Taught About Family Relationships
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  27. Jesus Cast Out Demons in Gadera
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  28. Jesus Healed the Daughter of Jairus
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  29. Jesus Sent Out the Twelve
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  30. Jesus Taught What it Meant to be His Disciple
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  31. Jesus Was Transfigured
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  32. Jesus Taught the Importance of Humility
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  33. Jesus Sent Out Seventy Disciples
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  34. Jesus Received the Report of the Seventy Disciples
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  35. Jesus Answered a Lawyer
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  36. Jesus Taught About Answered Prayer
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  37. Jesus Showed His Power Over Demons
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  38. Jesus Taught About the Sign of Jonah
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  39. Jesus Pronounced Woes on the Pharisees
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  40. Jesus Warned About False Doctrine
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  41. Jesus Gave a Parable About a Rich Fool
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  42. Jesus Warned of the Need to be Ready for His Coming
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  43. Jesus Warned of Family Rejection
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  44. Jesus Spoke of the Need to Bear Fruit
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  45. Jesus Cured a Cripple on the Sabbath
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  46. Jesus Taught on the Way to Jerusalem
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  47. Jesus Warned of the Danger of Pride
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  48. Jesus Gave the Parable of the Great Supper
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  49. Jesus Taught About Counting the Cost
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  50. Jesus Taught About Joy in Heaven
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  51. Jesus Taught About the Repentant Son
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  52. Jesus Taught About the Unrepentant Son
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  53. Jesus Taught About the Unjust Steward
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  54. Jesus Taught About the Danger of Greed
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  55. Jesus Taught About the Consequences of Unbelief
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  56. Jesus Taught About Forgiveness
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  57. Jesus Cleansed Ten Lepers
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  58. Jesus Taught About the Kingdom
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  59. Jesus Taught About Prayer
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  60. Jesus Taught About the Danger of Riches
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  61. Jesus Restored the Sight of a Blind Man
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  62. Jesus Came to Seek and to Save the Lost
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  63. Jesus Gave the Parable of a Long Journey
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  64. Jesus Was Welcomed as the King
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  65. Jesus Cleansed the Temple
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  66. Jesus Gave the Parable of the Vineyard Owner
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  67. Jesus Answered the Herodians
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  68. Jesus Answered the Sadducees
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  69. Jesus Questioned the Scribes in the Temple
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  70. Jesus Taught About the Suffering to Come
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  71. Jesus Taught About His Return to Earth
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  72. Judas Agreed to Betray Jesus
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  73. Jesus Celebrated the Last Passover with His Disciples
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  74. Jesus Told Peter that He Would Deny Jesus
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  75. Jesus Was Betrayed by Judas
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  76. Jesus Was Condemned by the Sanhedrin
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  77. Jesus Was Tried by Pilate and Herod
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  78. Jesus Was Condemned by Pilate
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  79. Jesus Showed Mercy as He Was Crucified
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  80. Jesus Died in Our Place for Our Sin
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  81. Jesus Rose Again on the Third Day
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  82. Jesus Appeared to Two on the Road to Emmaus
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  83. Jesus Opened the Eyes of the Disciples
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  84. Jesus Opened the Understanding of the Disciples
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