Helping Our Children Develop Practical Christianity - James

  1. Learning How to Receive Godly Wisdom
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  2. Learning How to Deal With Temptation
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  3. Learning How to Be Good Listeners
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  4. Learning to Practice Obedience to God
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  5. Learning to Treat the Poor With Respect
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  6. Learning to Practice the Law of Liberty
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  7. Learning to Practice Good Works
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  8. Learning to Show Faith by Works
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  9. Learning to Bridle Our Tongue—Part 1
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  10. Learning to Bridle Our Tongue—Part 2
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  11. Learning to Develop Godly Wisdom
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  12. Learning the Source of Conflicts
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  13. Learning How to Develop Godly Humility
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  14. Learning to Seek the Will of God
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  15. Learning to Avoid the Dangers of Riches
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  16. Learning to Be Patient
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  17. Learning to Pray for One Another
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  18. Learning the Power of Prayer
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