Helping Our Children Learn to Experience Joy - Philippians, Colossians and Philemon

  1. Learning Why We Can Have Confidence in Our Lives
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  2. Learning How God Can Work Through All Situations
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  3. Learning Why We Do Not Need to Fear Death
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  4. Learning to Have the Mind of Christ
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  5. Learning to Let God Complete His Will in Us
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  6. Learning How God Works Through Other Christians
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  7. Learning From the Example of Paul
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  8. Learning to Keep Our Eyes Focused on the Goal
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  9. Learning How to Experience the Peace of God
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  10. Learning to Trust God to Supply All of our Needs
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  11. Learning How to Pray for Others
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  12. Learning to Explain Why Christ is Superior to All
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  13. Learning to Explain the Unity of the Church
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  14. Learning Why We Are Complete in Christ
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  15. Learning How to Recognize False Teachings
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  16. Learning to Put Off the Deeds of the Old Man
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  17. Learning to Put On the New Man
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  18. Learning to Walk With New Actions
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  19. Learning to Minister to One Another
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  20. Learning to Request Instead of Demand
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  21. Learning How to Help Others Become Useful
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